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Video Review: ‘Life of Pixel’ is a Hands-on History Lesson in Retro Gaming



Life of Pixel, developed by Super Icon Limited, takes players on a platforming journey through more than ten classic gaming systems, from the Atari 2600 to the ZX Spectrum, paying homage to the 8 and 16-bit console years. Of course, that also means that the era’s notorious difficulty, lack of checkpoints, and need for trial and error return, so remember to take a deep breath and count to whatever number makes you feel better. Featuring beautiful pixel art, lovingly reproduced chip music, and a plethora of secrets and items to collect, and hardcore challenge.

Life of Pixel is available now on the Wii U eShop. For more of a look at the game, check out our video review above.

Koru is a video game stuff person, Pro-Wrestling junkie, computer technician and a moderately attractive wise-ass. Growing up in Boston, Koru had a goal of working in the gaming industry, so he began his own game review show, found a few journalism jobs along the way, and continues to learn and grow in the industry he loves. You can check out his work at youtube/KoruProductions Or play him online! Wii U: Koru-of-KGR 3DS: Koru-KGR Fightcade: Koru-KGR
