Sucker Punch may have established its place as an exceptional developer with the Infamous series, but Ghost of Tsushima firmly cements the studio’s reputation. With balletic...
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is at once the most streamlined and most ambitious Shantae game yet, making it easily the best in the series.
What's old is new once more as the new Xenoblade Chronicles 2 story expansion provides numerous compelling reasons to return to the world of Alrest.
Ben Esposito's new game, Donut County, inspires puns and a "hole" lot of fun.
Within a sea of platformers in the indie gaming universe, Semblance attempts to offer a new twist; something that doesn’t conform to established notions, but rather...
What does it mean to be human? It’s a question that philosophers, artists, and scientists have attempted to answer since the dawn of recorded history. Why...
Omensight takes a looping doomsday detective narrative and combines it with a sleek combat system. While the combination doesn't necessarily pay off in spades, it proves...
Assassin’s Creed Origins Review In my initial impressions and the first part of this review, I outlined why Assassin’s Creed Origins is a great title. With gameplay that’s smoother than the silt...
Assassin’s Creed Origins Review In Progress Part 1 My initial impressions of Assassin’s Creed Origins were unreservedly glowing. Having spent some more time as Bayek, the...
With Total War: Warhammer 2 Creative Assembly have done a sterling job of developing a game that appeals to fans of their own franchise and enthusiasts...