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15 Best Nintendo Games of 2015





8. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac is credited with as one of the games that helped pave the way for the current wave of innovative rogue-like indie hits (FTL, Don’t StarveRisk of Rain) and in 2015, Edmund McMillen’s controversial indie hit got a 16-bit remake which surprised everyone when it landed on the Wii U and 3DS with no fewer than 16 different endings, 9 unlockable alternate characters, 4 bonus levels, and literally hundreds of items to discover. For those unfamiliar with the original, Isaac is a twin-stick shooter/dungeon crawler where you play as a small naked boy named Isaac, whose mother, believing she is under the orders of God, sets out to kill him. Like most classic arcade games, you run around shooting everything that moves while grabbing various power-ups in hopes it will aid you when facing off with the final boss. The only catch is when you die, you need to start all over. There are no checkpoints, no cheat codes and no way to save your progress. Permanent death of a character is one of the most extreme punishments a game can dole out yet in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, the brutal difficulty isn’t really rage-inducing due to the endless content, new items, strange bosses, and various types of dungeons to explore. But the most notable difference between Rebirth and the original Isaac is the shiny new engine and graphical overhaul. The original was made in Flash which caused many technical problems, but with Rebirth, McMillen abandoned Flash and all of the bugs and glitches that came with it. Here’s a remake/sequel that improves upon the original, and stands out as a fantastic game in its own right. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is essential for any hardcore gamer. (Ricky D)

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