In a surprising turn of events, the upcoming Battlefield game has hit a significant roadblock. Marcus Lehto, the director at...
Project Highrise is, in several ways, the fulfillment of a dream. If, like me, you’ve been waiting years for a true successor to Sim Tower and...
In 2009 Rocksteady achieved what many thought was impossible; they made a genuinely good Batman game. With Arkham Asylum they created a claustrophobic atmosphere, told an enjoyable...
Will We Ever See Alan Wake 2? Earlier this year, Remedy Entertainment took a stab at it’s third major franchise with the release of Quantum Break. The...
Despite its many accomplishments throughout mankind’s history, Russia is often thought of as a violent, vodka-soaked, Eastern European version of Mad Max, where people engage in...
Released fifteen years ago in Japan, the indigo colored sixth generation Nintendo console (formerly known as the Dolphin) was expected to become the champion of a...
With the imminent release of FIFA 17, both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners have been granted the opportunity to play its highly anticipated demo. The download figures...
On average, the Ace Attorney games have been about the same quality throughout. Each provides a new set of cases to explore and great new characters...
In recent weeks there has been a lot of Pokemon news. New evolutions, new features, and now the most mysterious news of any generation, the Ultra...
Often I’ll see people on internet message boards scoff at the idea of the so called “console wars”, calling the entire concept nothing more than a...