A day at the horseraces can be an exciting and thrilling experience. From the moment you arrive at the racecourse,...
Axiom Verge wears its influences on its sleeve. As a retro-spirited Metroidvania action platformer there is little does that hasn’t been done before. But the game achieves what...
Goomba Stomp’s Hall of Fame is reserved for only those Nintendo titles that can be called absolute classics. Chosen by the crew of the NXpress Nintendo...
Despite the horrible decisions people may make, there is almost always a shred of light that lies deep within them. We have learned to love to...
Very rarely does a video game come along that has a truly original and unique creative spark, making a perfect storm of gameplay and style that...
When it comes to the notion of difficulty, few games carry the notorious reputation associated with From Software’s Souls series, and it’s spiritual successor, Bloodborne. As the latter...
With opening day and another marathon season of division battles and pennant runs upon us, naturally gamers may get an urge to abandon their televisions for the...
From the moment that synthesized ominous music sounded and Zelda’s telepathic dialogue appeared on the screen, players knew that The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the...
The titles of From Software have always been known for their staggeringly difficult boss battles. From Demon’s Souls’ False King Allant, to Dark Souls’ Ornstein and Smough, to Dark Souls II‘s...
Hyrule Warriors Legends for the Nintendo 3DS is a game that recreates the enjoyment of its Wii U predecessor but fails at representing the original’s performance....