Hello, gamers! We hope you are doing great but are lost, looking for an easy guide for your questions related...
Running out into the luscious long grass to find your first Pokémon is an exciting moment in a trainer’s life. Seven generations have left a wide...
Embarking on an epic journey filled with swords, sorcery, and mythological creatures is everyone’s dream. From the rebellious kids who wish they were someone else to the...
Slayaway Camp is a terrific combination of simple logic puzzles and 80’s cult slasher flicks, a murderously fun puzzle game where the player slashes, stomps, and...
No Man’s Sky has abundant issues, no one can reasonably deny that. No one will blame the outraged buyers from uninstalling the game and shutting out the possibility...
I dislike reviewing a video game’s writing, particularly when it’s delivered neatly in cut scenes and audio clips beyond player control. The inclusion feels extraneous to...
Handheld Zeldas have always occupied an odd place in the franchise, either used for experimentation or farmed out to outside developers who take zero risks. They are...
Watch_Dogs 2 is Ubisoft’s latest infliction upon the world of gaming, a sequel (although crucially not a spiritual successor) to the widely disappointing Watch_Dogs. Gloomy Aiden...
There’s no shortage of co-op shooters, or zombie shooters, or even zombie co-op shooters, on the market these days. Left 4 Dead 2 is still used as...
Ranking the Best Final Fantasy Games Final Fantasy is one of the most financially successful video game franchises of all time, and perhaps the most important...