Shinji Mikami is responsible for some of the best games ever made. He’s credited on the Resident Evil series, Killer7, GodHand, the Phoenix Wright series, and he’s even the voice of the noodle...
Video game movie adaptations traditionally get panned, with the very best examples of this sub-genre being Prince of Persia (2010) and The Angry Birds Movie (2016); two films that are...
Capcom’s recent trend of remastering the Resident Evil series to current gen consoles continues with Resident Evil 5. Like the other Resident Evil ports that have...
Fans often ponder where the Resident Evil franchise lost its survival-horror roots. Many people claim Resident Evil 5 truly set the series in a direction that...
After an amazing week of demos, unveilings and press conferences, E3 2016 has finally come to a close, and what a great show it was! Apart...
Another successful day in E3 history! Several exciting announcements have been made and the future of VR has never looked so promising. Let’s take a deeper...
“Me and My Sweet Ass…” Ever just come crawling out of the black ocean at night, and feel the sudden need to strike a sexy pose...
Horror in video games is not the same as horror in books or movies. There’s a certain artistic realism to horror in games that makes players...
It could be the context-sensitive buttons in Ocarina of Time or Resident Evil 4. Or maybe the ground-pound in Donkey Kong Country. You’ve probably experienced it throughout Super Mario Bros. and spent...
Resident Evil has been in the midst of an identity crisis since the ground-breaking fourth entry, stuck between trying to please fans of the survival horror aspects of...