The eSports scene in North Carolina, particularly for Valorant, is poised for significant growth and transformation, driven by strategic investments,...
Look up any “best RPGs of all time” list and right near the top you’re guaranteed to find the title Planescape Torment. It was the weird...
Over the past decade video games have become more and more respected in mainstream media. This is, in part, due to the fact that games have...
The first Nier was met with middling reviews when it was released around 7 years ago; it was an ambitious title, with great ideas, that fell...
This week we invite guest Zack Rezak to help us talk about the recent Jim Sterling controversy and review scores in general. Before we get to any...
Of all the genres of games, few have had the lasting power of the beat-em-up. Forming in the primordial early ages of arcades and coming into...
As part of our month-long spotlight on boss battles, we’ve decided to dedicate this week to the bosses in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
The following article contains spoilers for various awesome games, admittedly with one or two awful bosses, so please don’t read ahead if you want to stay...
This week, the Game Boys are talking about their first cooperative Nintendo Switch experience with the charming Snipperclips. Does the game sell the concept of the...
Make no mistake, up to this point you’ve never confronted anything of this magnitude before. She stands before you, dark purple feminine features bastardized by the demon...