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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress #15: In memory of Satoru Iwata



Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has passed away at the age of 55. He was an immensely influential figure both within the industry and with Nintendo fans, and he will be forever missed. Iwata-san’s leadership has been a strong force for good in the gaming industry and so today we honour him in our main event. Closing the show is our review of Super Mario World, arguably one of four Mario adventures that could easily be listed within the lexicon of the greatest games ever made. Joining us is returning guest Patrick Murphy.

You can listen to our show on StitcheriTunesPodbean, or simply click the play button below.

00:00: Iwata E3 clip
00:30: Intro
01:00: Nintendosage: Checking back in on Splatoon17:00:  Splatoon theme song
18:00: Remembering Satoru Iwata
21:00:Main Event:Deciding the best Nintendo console 
58:00: CNET tribute to Satoru Iwata
60:00: Super Mario World review
81:00: Outro 

The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
