Skyward Sword HD's implementation of the Zelda and Loftwing amiibo raises ethical concerns that are incredibly difficult to ignore...
This week is a great one, as Ricky D returns to the podcast to help Tim and Patrick sort through Nintendo’s latest Indie World presentation. Was...
This week Rick, Tim, and Patrick continue to talk Splatoon 2, with Rick finally sharing some impressions, as well as offering a comparison to a game he...
Nintendo has to get their act together. They need to fix the constant supply issues that have continuously hounded them for the past few years. Last...
Despite many people’s fears, the release of the Nintendo Switch was a success. Over a month after, Breath of the Wild is still on everyone’s lips...
It’s been quite the dry spell since Nintendo’s last media outing, but they returned with a bang in their most recent Nintendo Direct. They proved a...
Nintendo, as a company, has had significant setbacks within their marketing strategy. They have seemingly abandoned the analytics behind console sales to conform to what they perceive...
Twilight Princess HD is a huge improvement! The latest Zelda remaster, Twilight Princess HD, was released recently. While it still offers all the greatness of the original, it...
It’s a strange transitionary time for Nintendo and its loyal fans. The glory days of the company’s illustrious and market-dominating NES and SNES consoles are long...
With so many recent developments happening over at Nintendo headquarters, I believe there is reason to be optimistic about Nintendo in 2016. It’s always hard to...