The late 1990s and early 2000s were a transition period for Nintendo. Beset by outside influences that saw their substantial early 90s lead in the North...
The Career of Satoru Iwata What follows is the episode we recorded the day after Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passed away at the age of 55. Iwata-san was...
2015 was a perfect example of the roller coaster ride that is Nintendo, with the company at times achieving dazzling heights, yet also unfortunately affected by truly sad lows. But...
Nintendo and the entire gaming world suffered a great loss in early July with the passing of Satoru Iwata, and now, after the well-deserved tributes looking...
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has passed away at the age of 55. He was an immensely influential figure both within the industry and with Nintendo fans, and he...
“Although many believe that technology automatically enables more realistic expression, I believe that is just not correct.”-Satoru Iwata I rarely write obituaries about famous people —...