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Game Boys

Game Boys, Ep. 30: Titan Fallen From Grace?



The Game Boys are back for another fun, action packed episode!  In this episode, Tim and Ryan continue their discussion of the Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Tech Test from over the weekend.  From there, they discuss two PS4 arcade exclusives, Tricky Towers and Gauntlet.  But can Ryan and Tim even get through the gauntlet that is speaking on a podcast?  Will Titanfall 2 hold up to its impeccable predecessor?  Will the name Tim the Elf stick?  Find out on this week’s Game Boys!  And don’t forget to tune in Friday, September 2nd through Monday, September 5th for four mini episodes covering the Game Boys time at PAX!

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And game with CaptainKapi and Ghost Lunchbox on Xbox One!

Game Boys is a podcast dedicated entirely to co-op gaming. Its regular hosts, Tim and Ryan, have been gaming together for roughly eighteen years, and have dedicated countless hours to finding the best cooperative games of all varieties, whether in person “couch” co-op games, online only, or anything in between.
