Let’s just take a moment to pay respects to an incredible video game. Alex finally managed to convince David to drop everything (mostly, and conveniently, Apex...
This week’s episode of Game Boys is dedicated entirely to drop off and the games that we let go of for one reason or another. Alex,...
It's the last episode of the year! Tim and Ryan spend the episode counting down the best co-op games from the entire year of 2016. What's...
Let’s just have it said and done: 2016 was a shit year in almost every conceivable way. Divisive political stances have never been at a higher slant,...
Every year The Game Awards proves itself to be more of a two-hour marketing campaign than an awards show. Host, Geoff Keighly quickly showed this year...
War, war never changes. Especially not in the case of Call of Duty. In this episode, the Game Boys discuss many a war, the war between...
With Christmas just around the corner, gamers around the World will soon flock to their local retail outlet (or digital hub) to browse the wares of the videogame...
As part of their Extra Life campaign, the twenty-four hour charity drive where gamers play video games unceasingly and others can watch on twitch or donate...
There's something incredibly thrilling about how combat works in Titanfall 2, how you weave and bob, jumping wall to wall while dodging incoming fire before slingshotting...
One of the year’s biggest games, a game the Game Boys were anxiously awaiting, finally dropped…Titanfall 2. Was the wait worth it, or did the series...