Since time immemorial, boss battles have been a vital part of video games. A challenging adversary at the heart of a dungeon or the end of...
In 2008, over a decade after the release of Mega Man 8 for the Sega Saturn and original PlayStation, Capcom made waves in the industry by...
Embarking on an epic journey filled with swords, sorcery, and mythological creatures is everyone’s dream. From the rebellious kids who wish they were someone else to the...
With the recent release of the NES Classic, the Internet is exploding with the possibility of a SNES Classic. While a SNES Classic would surely sell like...
One of the year’s biggest games, a game the Game Boys were anxiously awaiting, finally dropped…Titanfall 2. Was the wait worth it, or did the series...
The days are growing shorter, the nights darker and colder, and one can’t shake the feeling that everywhere they go they’re being watched! It can only...
Not many people may remember Mistwalker’s JRPG from the Xbox 360’s early days. Lost Odyssey to this day remains a long forgotten gem, which is still a shame,...
Zombies. We all love them. Who doesn’t? The undead have proved time and time again that they’re endlessly entertaining sources of fun. And with the entertaining-but-horrifying...
The Game Boys are back. This week, a lot’s happened in the gaming world. No longer distracted by PAX, the Game Boys can finally cover the...
With the announcement of Microsoft’s “Project Scorpio” at E3 2016, the entire console industry has been fundamentally transformed. “Project Scorpio” (hereafter, the Scorpio), has finally returned...