Revisiting Banjo-Kazooie A bear with a bird in his backpack on a quest to save his kid sister from the grasp of an evil witch. At...
Most Iconic Moments in the Original Mass Effect Trilogy The original trilogy of Mass Effect games are three of the most beloved of the last generation...
It’s time for the seventh iteration of Game Boys’ Book Club! Ryan threw everyone a curveball when he selected the long forgotten, 2012 Sega title, Binary...
The Original Gears of War Review Are you ready to be big, burly, and manly with us? Of course, you are, you’re a member of the...
The iconic 1998 Nintendo 64 shooting game GoldenEye 007– based on the James Bond film of the same name- has always had a bit of an...
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on March 2nd, 2017 for the ten year anniversary of Crackdown. **** 10 years have now passed since Microsoft...
This isn’t how the Nintendo Wii U’s tale was supposed to end. By finishing as the fourth-worst-selling console (13.56 million units sold) from the four major...
In the wake of the announcement of the PlayStation Classic, the Game Boys discuss the return of the original PlayStation and share the titles they’d most...
More than a year after the Game Boys originally covered it, Pit People has finally exited early access and entered the world of full releases. What better time...
How well does the legendary indie game, "Super Meat Boy", hold up on Nintendo Switch?