If you’ve been around the blog here before, you will probably have noticed that I am a rather large advocate of fan-made content such as art...
Mother 3– the third game in the Mother series that was only released in Japan back in 2006- recently celebrated its fifteen year anniversary and with...
Now, this is a crossover that I would love to see become an official thing at some point. A Twitter user by the name of Sylver_ACNH...
With so many gamers being denied their request for Kingdom Hearts protagonist Sora to become a fighter in Super Smash Brother Ultimate, it would seem that...
When it comes to video game fan projects, the remake of Tomb Raider 2 by Nicobass is one that has been around for a significant amount...
I think that anyone who knows of the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie knows that we do not talk about the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie....
There has been a surge in fan content for the Resident Evil franchise as of late due to the next installment- Resident Evil Village- coming out...
Well, it’s a joke that has been in the works for months now so it’s no surprise that yesterday- March 31st– was a day for Nintendo...
MarcosRC is a modder and 3D artist I’ve spoken about a few times on the blog here as his work never ceases to impress me. This...
MOTHER/Earthbound is one of Nintendo’s most well known franchises, with fans from all over the world coming together to enjoy the Japanese game series which started...