<meta property="og:title" content="A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 30: Halo Infinite"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 30: Halo Infinite"> A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 30: Halo Infinite | Goomba Stomp Magazine
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A Winner Is You

A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 30: Halo Infinite



We close out 2021 with arguably the biggest game of the year – Halo Infinite. It’s finally here after all the delays, all the memes and all the hype, and it’s… yeah, it’s pretty good innit.

We discuss the beautiful combat, the missed opportunity of the open world, the weird story decisions surrounding the Cortana angle, and that wonderful grappling hook.

Is this the ultimate Halo game? Is this the direction Halo should have been taken or is it a bust to make it open world? We answer these questions and more. Tune in next episode to see how it ranks in our 2021 Game of the Year Awards!

Listen to the show here:
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Crotchety Englishman who spends hundreds of pounds on video game tattoos and Amiibo in equally wallet-crippling measure. Likes grammar a lot, but not as much as he likes heading out for a sesh of Bakamitai karaoke in Kamurocho. You can hear his dulcet tones on the A Winner Is You game club podcast right here on GoombaStomp!
