Everyone once wanted to test their nerves for strength and play some horror game. However, the most difficult question is...
A brand new Kirby game is on its way, and for me, that brings me to reminisce about the first time I was introduced to Kirby,...
How the heart is drawn to the mystery and ambiguity of a character. In Harry Potter, the malicious secrets surrounding Severus Snape led many to be...
Six years ago, Square-Enix were finally ready to let out the big dogs for the new generation. As their first major title for the PS3 and...
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, aside from having an insanely obnoxious name, is probably one of the best PC games ever released. It’s buggy as hell, full of...
Developed by Team Meat and designed by Edmund McMillen, Super Meat Boy has finally made its way to a Nintendo console six years after it was originally...
From Triple A titles to indies and everything in-between, no game is immune to the inevitable swarm of criticism that will rain down upon it come...
This week on Game Boys is an Overwatch take over as Tim and Ryan delve deep in to the latest cooperative, team objective shooter, Overwatch. They...
Gaming, as has oft been said, is still rather a new form of entertainment. It’s a medium that is as free and malleable, as it is...
After years of fan speculation, ridiculous rumors and questionable leaks, Bethesda’s heavily anticipated sequel to their hit 2008 first-person RPG Fallout 3, finally hit store shelves...