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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress Podcast 64: 30 Years of ‘Metroid’ plus more ‘Pokemon Go’



Metroid deserves all and any praise it has received over the years, if only for launching a winning formula and one of Nintendo’s greatest franchises. From the NES debut to the Super Nintendo classic, to the underrated handheld entries, and the 3D debut with the Primeseries – the Metroid games have, for the most part, been providing fans with countless hours of high-quality entertainment. This week, Goomba Stomp editors Mike Worby and Michael Riser join us to help celebrate Metroid’s 30 year anniversary by looking back at the original and the SNES masterpiece, Super Metroid. All this and more!



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00:00: Intro
02:00: Nintendosage: Pokemon Go follow-up
14:00: Metroid commercial
15:00: Main Event: A look back at Metroid 
42:00: Metroid theme music
43:00: Super Metroid commercial
44:00: Bonus Content: Super Metroid review
80:00: Super Metroid soundtrack

Show notes:

Here is the link to the book You Died that Michael mentioned on the show.

Here is the link to Subnautica, the indie game that Michael mentioned at the start of the show.

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The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
