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Catch the Fall Vibes in Pokémon GO’s Latest Harvest Festival Event



Hello gamers! Thanks for visiting us again! Today we are going to discuss everything related to new event updates in Pokemon Go. So, be ready to be cozy and get all your fall vibes because this event is an autumn special event.


First of all, Pokémon GO’s Latest Harvest Festival Event is going to begin on November 7th.

And this will be an exclusive event that is going to be starting this month. If you are in a mood that this event is just for you, all the fall vibes with rewards.

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Moreover, the first and foremost harvest event was conducted last year in October and was held from 12-17. This event has portrayed grass-type Pokemon, and there was a surprising introduction to Smoliv and its evolutions.

The player has to complete field research tasks to get hands on them in the wild. Other than Smoliv and its evolutions, players had also discovered Pokémon like Bellsprout, Flabébé, Bounsweet, and Sunkern during the event.

Furthermore, there were ample rewards for the players, like longer-lasting Mossy Lure modules, new Collection Challenges, and PokeStop showcases.

Well, now it’s time to discuss this year’s rewards and Pokemon introduced for the event. Eventually, the festival/event will begin at 10 a.m. on November 7 and will last till November 12 at 8 p.m.

During the event, you will get to discover Smoliv, but in its shiny version for the first time in Pokémon Go.

Other than Smoliv, players can find eleven other Pokemon during the event. And one of them is Pumpkaboo, which will be available in four different sizes.

Cherry on top will be getting double candy for catching Pokemon during the festival, and if you are lucky, you can find shiny Pumpkaboo as well.

Moreover, if you have Mossy Lure Modules in your item box, you can also find Pokemon like Alolan Exeggutor and Snorlax. During the harvest event in Pokemon Go.

Everything You Need to Know About the Pokemon GO Harvest Festival Event: Dates, Rewards, and Activities:

Well, other than just celebrating this auspicious harvest event, there will be other events going on as well, like Pokemon GO Field Research.

This event is a common one that you get to see every now and then, but this time you will discover Smoliv and Pumpkaboo during your fieldwork, and these will not be ordinary ones but in their shiny form.

And on top of that, if you are feeling extra fancy, you get Mossy Lure Modules, incense, a Lucky Egg, and Smoliv encounters just for $2 USD. Doesn’t it sound great? I bet it does!

Furthermore, there will be theme collection challenges for players to win Smoliv and Stardust as rewards.

Moreover, there will be an addition of PokeStop Showcases where players will be allowed to enter event-related Pokemon.

As said, these are all rewards that you get from this exclusive harvest event that will be starting on November 10th.

So, be ready to kick off your month with exciting rewards, and don’t forget to login and participate in the fall events. And if you are a fan of the fall season (just like me), you can play to get fall autumn vibes.

Lastly, for more exciting updates on your favourite games, stay tuned to our site. Happy fall 🍁

Karishma Singh is a content writer with a year of experience and a PhD in procrastination. When she's not crafting words, she's either battling it out in Mobile Legends, binge-watching anime, or plotting ways to join the Loki's universe. She's yet to decide if her true calling is writing or becoming Gotham's next vigilante.
