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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress Nintendo Podcast 91: ‘Mr. Shifty’ Preview and the Next Big Craze In Gaming



Everything is awesome this week, as Rick, Tim, and Patrick are graciously joined by special guest Ben Marrinan from Team Shifty to talk about their upcoming debut title for the Nintendo Switch, the stylishly action-packed Mr. Shifty. If looking cool while teleporting your way through gonzo combat inspired by movies like Die Hard and The Raid sounds up your alley (and it should be), then this interview can’t be missed! Find out how the Switch’s HD rumble comes into play, what Australian movie any self-respecting Australian should agree is the best, and just how badass it is to sweep through a room like Nightcrawler, dodging bullets and taking out foes by Hans Gruber-ing them out the windows of a high-security tower (hint: pretty badass). If you hadn’t yet had Mr. Shifty on your radar, now’s the time to take notice!

In the second segment, the boys touch on a recent GS article asking what the Next Big Thing in gaming will be. VR? eSports? Something else entirely? We have a lot of ideas… For all this and more, have a listen!




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00:00: Intro
01:00: Nintendosage: Mr. Shifty preview
31:00: Die Hard movie clip
32:00: Mr. Shifty Theme Song
35:00: Main Event: The Next Big Craze In Gaming
61:00: Queen – “Radio Ga Ga”

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The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
