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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress #32: ‘Typoman’ plus the ‘Super Mario Bros.’ Movie and ‘Animal Crossing’



Back in 1993, director Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel were given the tough task of converting a non-narrative Nintendo video game into a motion picture. That movie, of course, is Super Mario Bros. and it’s the first live-action video game movie ever made. It is also not very good and this week the NXpress team set aside some time to discuss this strange beast. During our main event, we review Typoman, a two-dimensional puzzle platformer distinguished by a unique game world. You slip into the role of the HERO struggling to make your way through a dark, surreal world. Despite your small stature, you have a powerful gift: You can use letters to alter your environment! And finally, Tim gives us his long-awaited review of Animal Crossing amiibo Festival for the WiiU. All this and more!

*Also, as promised, our Mario Maker levels! Let us know what you think!

Patrick’s– “Animal Crossing: Spring Cleaning” ID# FDB2-0000-008E-7EE6

Rick’s – “Diddy’s Nightmare” – C331 0000 00E0 C3F1

Tim’s – DA54-0000-00DE-2AA1


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Episode Playlist:

00:00: Super Mario Bros. clip
02:00: Intro
03:00: Nintendosage: Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival review
20:00: Typoman clip
21:00: The Main Event: Typoman review
50:00: Super Mario Bros. movie trailer
51:00: Super Mario Bros. review
60:00: Super Mario Bros. clip
62:00: outtakes
63:00: outro

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typoman 1-noscale

The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
