In the bustling world of video games, where adrenaline-pumping action and complex narratives often steal the spotlight, a quieter genre has steadily cultivated a massive following:...
Mention “Nintendo,” and a wave of nostalgia washes over most gamers. Whether it’s the iconic red and blue plumber, the catchy tunes of Pokemon battles, or...
The 1990s was a strange decade. We saw incredible media in the form of movies, music, and of course, games. New technological advancements made it possible...
Hello, almighty gamers out there! As you already know, after reading the amazing title of our article, we won’t waste your time and straightforwardly drive you...
Handheld gaming has taken a backseat. There’s no denying that console and PC gaming are more popular. Is a resurgence on the horizon? Potentially. Marked by...
We’ve all got our favourite games that we look back on fondly from childhood. Whether it’s a memory of playful fights and joyous victories around a...
Retro gamers are abuzz with excitement following the announcement that Konami’s side-scrolling classic shooter Contra is coming to mobile. The release will bring with it all...