“Relive the Nostalgia, Make a happy Memories: Mario 3D All-Stars Delivers Timeless Joy!” Hello, Mario Enthusiasts! I know I’m a bit late for this review because...
Entertainment mediums can be used to make the viewer feel every range of emotions, from the peaks of happiness and laughter to the pits of despair...
Games That Changed Our Lives: Morrowind Morrowind is a brown, boring game with terrible combat and horribly dated graphics. In comparison to its own follow-up games, Oblivion...
Games that Changed Our Lives: The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Dawn of The Final Day– 24 Hours Remain – As a nine-year-old, those words haunted...
Do you remember the first time you played Pokemon Yellow? Ever since I can remember, whenever I got the question “What’s your favorite kind of video...
A time-consuming, addiction-inducing power.
15-plus years of friendships, across state lines and oceans, all made possible by The Matrix Online.
Spartans learn from Spartans.
A Link to the Past laid out the framework for other entries to follow.
20 Years Later: Wario Land 4 The game that has had the biggest impact on my gaming life as a whole is quite unorthodox, in fact,...