The complexities of dungeon crawlers, such as those of Atlus’ Etrian Odyssey series, while appealing to longtime fans, can often intimidate potential new players who become glassy-eyed...
GameCube (2001) Charm can go a long ways. Just ask the average-looking person dating someone out of their league, or the not-so-smart guy at work who...
3DS / New 3DS XL (2011) The surest way to make a system’s greatness apparent isn’t hardware specs or a sleek, smooth design; it’s games, plain...
It’s not how you start, but how you finish. In the case of High Voltage Software’s cheesy sci-fi shooter sequel for the Wii, Conduit 2, you can...
During the Nintendo Digital Event video on the opening day of E3 2015 in Los Angeles, Nintendo announced games launching in the near future, with a...
Wow, what a way for Nintendo to kick off their E3 week. From a morning Nintendo Direct focusing on new additions to Smash Bros., to the casual...
Now Nintendo’s just getting cocky. Their new 3DS eShop downloadable puzzle game, BOXBOY!, goes beyond the simple design of an iconic plumber or pink puffball to introduce a hero...
Anyone wanting to decrease NASA’s budget in favor of a more fiscally conservative approach to interplanetary exploration should probably take a look at Danish developer KnapNok...
If my clone is the same as me, could it actually be me? And if through negligence or necessity I happen to, say, murder or otherwise...
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Review Developer: Hal Labatroy | Publisher: Nintendo | Genre: Platformer | Platforms: Wii U |Reviewed on: Wii U For a series usually representing the lighter side of platforming, Kirby and the Rainbow...