Revisiting Goldeneye on the N64 Though not the first shooter to appear on the N64 (that distinction belongs to Acclaim’s Turok: Dinosaur Hunter), Rare’s 1997 masterpiece Goldeneye...
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at 20 When it comes to adventures, there’s no better example than one of the first-ever written, Homer’s Odyssey....
Life is not a fairy tale, and neither is Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest.
Revisiting ActRaiser You know what happens when you don’t check in on your Animal Crossing town for a while? Replace a little village with the whole...
Metroid may not hold up to modern gamers as one of the best of all time, but there’s no question it’s one of the most important.
Breaking Down Metroid: Zero Mission Metroid: Zero Mission is like coming home again. Maybe some of the furniture has moved a bit, your room might have been...
Developer: Wayward Distractions | Publisher: The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild | Genre: Platformer | Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch | Reviewed on: Nintendo Switch Less an epic adventure across the...
20 Years Later: Conker’s Bad Fur Day If this were the Baseball Hall of Fame, then Conker’s Bad Fur Day would be our lovable Ty Cobb: filthy, lewd,...
'The Origami King' starts out with promise, but can't overcome the tedious battle system.
I’ve done this before. With each new flagship iteration of Mario’s 3D adventures, you can sense Nintendo’s master designers dreading those four little words escaping the player’s lips. From Super...