By adding an alternate mode that completely upends the core gameplay concept, developer Brace Yourself Games has turned Cadence of Hyrule into something more than just a...
Much like the role-playing genre, life is a grind. Responsibility to others and the duties required by circumstance make up any honorable existence where you can’t...
The absence of a certain Umbra Witch in Nintendo’s 2019 E3 plans may have cast a somber spell on a few optimistic action fans, but hopefully...
Back to Garreg Mach Monastery! I’ve gone years thinking that the Fire Emblem franchise wasn’t really for me, not having had a proper foundation in strategy...
Nintendo didn’t waste any time jumping right into the thick of things with their E3 2019 Nintendo Direct, showcasing a multitude of games coming both this...
Devolver Digital E3 2019 Comedy is tough; there’s no better example of that than during Devolver Digital’s E3 2019 not-a-press-conference presentation on Twitch, which included a...
There aren't really any standout moments among the 4-5 hour campaign, but the majority of 'Gato Roboto' is addictive and satisfying as a light take on...
'BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!' is the biggest adventure yet for the series — a culmination of everything that has been learned in the past, and a peek...
Maybe looks aren’t everything, but a new coat of paint can sure freshen a room up. The Yoshi franchise has been the subject of cute visual...
Though the story never quite connects to the gameplay, 'She Remembered Caterpillars' has enough clever, color-based puzzles to make it worth checking out for fans of...