Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind the Metal Gear series, once said: “as a creator, I always want to betray fans’ expectations.” Throughout his hallmark series, Kojima...
Compulsion Games is a studio known for their unconventional indie titles Contrast and We Happy Few. Based in Montreal, Canada, the studio was founded in 2009...
We are mere weeks away from exploring Andromeda in the latest Mass Effect entry. While the story, action, and sense of adventure drive many players to...
Marvel has announced a partnership with Square Enix to bring their comic book characters back to triple-A games. Square Enix’s Eidos Montreal, makers of Deus Ex:...
In 2008, over a decade after the release of Mega Man 8 for the Sega Saturn and original PlayStation, Capcom made waves in the industry by...
Nintendo is set to reveal new details about the Switch on Thursday (11 pm EST Thursday in North America). While the big N has got most...
The turkeys have been devoured, the trees are at the curb, and you won’t have to see your family for the next 360 days. Yup, it’s...
Star Wars, two words that for many symbolize the best of what mainstream cinema has to offer. Since 1977, everything from clementines to high heels has...
When playing an RPG that relies heavily on stats, it is easy to get caught up in a numbers game. A “+3 DEX” here, a “+5...
Go to any prominent video gaming website and you will find spoilers. Large and small, for games released and unreleased, tidbits that, when added up, diminish...