There are few titles in established series’ that evoke so much ire as Metroid: Other M. As a member of Nintendo’s Big 3, along with Super Mario Bros. and The Legend...
A Sword Pointed Skyward… Editor’s Note: This article was originally published February 15, 2016. So here we are, thirty plus years later. All the way back...
10 Years Later: Donkey Kong Country Returns stands head and shoulders above the rest! The idea of bringing back older games and genres from the dead...
The Virtual Boy proved to be a dismal failure for Nintendo but in many ways, it was ahead of its time. The Nintendo DS came at...
Whether they’re getting a brand-new Nintendo Switch or Switch Lite this year for Christmas, or if they’re getting an addition to their already impressive collection, younger...
The early 2000s marked the end of one era and the beginning of another for Nintendo. How did the company's consoles measure up?
Though it only lasted five years, the GameCube left an indelible mark on the Kyoto-based company’s fortunes in the Wii era and beyond.
This isn’t how the Nintendo Wii U’s tale was supposed to end. By finishing as the fourth-worst-selling console (13.56 million units sold) from the four major...
It is important to recognize that embracing the past is not the same as living in the past. Although Twilight Princess’ Ocarina of Time influences are...
Every gamer has preferences and opinions, but what if those opinions were handed to you by someone else? In this week’s Game Boys, Tim, Ryan, and...