Few games place as much care on their boss battles as Hades does. From the Furies to the big man himself, every victory is earned.
Even if you've played Hades before, this Greek-themed roguelike is worth mastering again on the latest console generation.
All Zagreus wants is to reach the surface. He’s lived in the Underworld for eternity, under the wrathful eye of his father, Hades. Hades is very...
'Hades' is for people who've never clicked with roguelites, and fun as hell to boot.
Video games are no longer a small market. Everyone from their mother to their neighbour plays now, from the simple mobile puzzle game to the vast...
When Bastion debuted at the Penny Arcade Expo in 2010, it took the video game world by surprise. It was the first game developed by Supergiant...
Supergiant are known for Bastion and Transistor: each hauntingly beautiful tales set in strange fantasy worlds that thrum with the rhythm of fast-paced combat. What Supergiant...
Is there a hope for a better world? That's the question Pyre asks and hopes to answer.
It seems all the kids talk about these days is Westworld. Westworld this, Westworld that. HBO’s hit TV series hooked audiences early on and its season...
I went on a date with Transistor a few weekends back. I took screenshots and scribbled mad, half-realized blatherings on various Post-It Notes, trying to prep...