Despite their flaws, Nintendo has had an average, if unspectacular, year. A foray into mobile gaming has produced three solid, somewhat lackluster, games that have all...
It’s been 15 years since Captain Olimar mercilessly subjugated an entire hybrid species called Pikmin to do his bidding after his vacation cruise aboard the S.S. Dolphin was...
Super Castlevania IV Review Although Castlevania would be taken to a new level by Symphony of the Night, when you’re talking about the traditional installments —it...
The days are growing shorter, the nights darker and colder, and one can’t shake the feeling that everywhere they go they’re being watched! Â It can only...
Nintendo’s NX has finally been revealed, and while many questions still circulate around the newly announced Nintendo Switch, at long, long last speculation has switched from...
A lot has been said about the Nintendo Switch trailer, which involved adult actors and actresses, rather than children. The switch in its target market is...
So finally, we have been shown Nintendo’s brand new console, The Nintendo Switch. Now, the first thing that came to mind (apart from the joy of...
Well, it’s here folks. Nintendo just announced the Nintendo Switch with a small, 3 minute trailer this morning and there is much in the trailer that...
Nintendo’s next video game console will be called the Nintendo Switch, the company announced today. The system, which was known by the code name “NX” until...