OlliOlli World is pure fun, and a mystical and magical love letter to skateboarding and the infectious culture that surrounds it.
Canine-flinging fun swings for the best.
The flaws don't outweigh the power.
Mina the Hollower is Yacht Club's follow-up IP to Shovel Knight, a beautiful Zelda-inspired adventure that is extraordinarily fun to play.
A quaint if unspectacular stroll down memory lane.
Almost an idle game, mostly a bullet-hell roguelike, Vampire Survivors is a breakout hit in the early-access scene.
Infernax is tough as nails, bloody as hell, and damn good.
Ocean's Heart embraces its Zelda influences and emerges as a gorgeous, bite-sized top-down action RPG.
Action RPGs may be a dime a dozen, but Nobody Saves the World stands out by respecting the player's time by somehow making grinding fun.
This week on the NXpress Nintendo Podcast, Cameron Daxon, Marc Kaliroff, and Campbell Gill kick off the year with an episode spotlighting many of their most anticipated indie games of 2022. While...