Since Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, each game’s army has had a place to relax and unwind. In these areas, the player gets a peek into...
The Ten Best Game Boy Advance Games The Game Boy Advance is not only one of the greatest handheld systems of all time but one of...
After becoming acquainted with the colorful cast of adults in Fire Emblem Awakening, the story soon turns into a tale of time travel involving the children...
Fire Emblem Awakening is not only filled with tactical battles and intense strategizing, but also colorful characters who sometimes fit into this medieval world and sometimes...
Fire Emblem's storytelling deserves better, has been better, and is better than Engage.
Don't engage with the Divine Dragon so fast. Prepare yourself with these useful tips and tricks.
A Brief History of the Fire Emblem Series Fire Emblem is a long-running franchise, with 16 mainline games under its belt. Though it has recently become...
The Best Supporting Characters in Fire Emblem While the protagonists are the stars of the series, Fire Emblem also has a vast array of supporting characters...
Many lords have successors, and many deserve a spotlight.
In 2017, Fire Emblem Heroes was released with the basic idea of summoning heroes from past Fire Emblem games into a brand new world, where they...