The ever present train of Telltale releases continues to roll on at a remarkable pace; whilst some installments such as Game of Thrones and Batman have...
The Cing adventure titles for the Nintendo DS, Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk: Room 215, are very unique titles that are fondly remembered by many for...
Horror games are weird. They’re in one of the few genres where design elements can evolve, devolve, or completely change all within the span of a...
Horror is one of the most unique genres in gaming. It can take the form of an action game or something slower-paced like an adventure title....
Finding originality in video games is becoming more difficult every day. Large companies only churn out the same thing year after year, and most others churn...
It has been a long time since there was a 2D, old school Metroid game released. 2004’s Metroid: Zero Mission was the last time that this...
The Zelda titles are an interesting bunch. Most of them came out roughly around the time a new console launched, or when Nintendo was seeking to...