Predictably, the end of 2016 was also the end of an era, with a final farewell to the unfortunate, but underrated, Wii U. Some of the...
Despite their flaws, Nintendo has had an average, if unspectacular, year. A foray into mobile gaming has produced three solid, somewhat lackluster, games that have all...
Though 2016 will probably be mostly remembered by Nintendo fans as the Year of Switch Rumors, there were also quite a few great games that made their...
Before Pokemon Sun and Moon’s release, I compiled a list of my favourite five from the Pokemon that had been announced at that point. One month after release, I...
Continuing on from last week, the Game Boys are still neck deep in the Alola Region of Pokemon Sun and Moon.  Ryan and Tim continue they’re ongoing review of...
Pokémon Moon is a surprising change of pace in this regard. It shakes up and attempts to change many of the tired formulas the series has...
When you have a series as successful as the Pokemon franchise, the temptation to keep things stagnant might well become overwhelming, especially as none of Pokemon games have ever...
This week, the Game Boys are talking about a very special game where two teams of six go head to head to be the very best!...
The Cing adventure titles for the Nintendo DS, Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk: Room 215, are very unique titles that are fondly remembered by many for...
Mobile games found on smart phones are made to be short, addictive experiences. The marketplace is perfect for these games as well, since most titles cost...