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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress Nintendo Podcast #42: ‘The Legend of Zelda’ and the recent NX rumours



Legend of Zelda NES

NES Zelda game review

This week we begin our celebration of The Legend of Zelda series by looking back at the NES classic that started it all. The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System was a first in so many categories. It laid the groundwork for almost every action-RPG that came after it and has become a staple franchise for Nintendo that is still going strong 30 years later. But does the Granddaddy of the action-adventure games stand the tests of time? We’ll let you know how we feel, but not before we discuss the recent NX rumors, Kickstarter and Mighty No. 9. All this and more.


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Legend of Zelda NES

Episode Playlist

00:00: Legend of Zelda commercial #1
01:00: Intro
02:00: Nintendosage: NX rumours, Mighty No. 9 and Kickstarter
35:00: Legend of Zelda commercial #2
36:00: The Main Event: Legend of Zelda review
62:00: The Legend of Zelda theme song

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The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
