The complexities of dungeon crawlers, such as those of Atlus’ Etrian Odyssey series, while appealing to longtime fans, can often intimidate potential new players who become glassy-eyed...
At first glance, The Adventures of Pip seems like another 2D, side-scrolling, adventure game; however, this delightfully postmodern fairy tale, is a deft, intelligent action platformer...
I am no stranger to competitive shooters. I have played them all and I know only one thing…kill or be killed. Games like CS:GO, Call of...
Now Nintendo’s just getting cocky. Their new 3DS eShop downloadable puzzle game, BOXBOY!, goes beyond the simple design of an iconic plumber or pink puffball to introduce a hero...
Anyone wanting to decrease NASA’s budget in favor of a more fiscally conservative approach to interplanetary exploration should probably take a look at Danish developer KnapNok...
If my clone is the same as me, could it actually be me? And if through negligence or necessity I happen to, say, murder or otherwise...
From Verdite to Boletaria and from Lordran to Drangleic, death and curses have been prevailing themes of the universes created by Japanese developer From Software. From returns to Sony...
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Review Developer: Hal Labatroy | Publisher: Nintendo | Genre: Platformer | Platforms: Wii U |Reviewed on: Wii U For a series usually representing the lighter side of platforming, Kirby and the Rainbow...
Five Nights at Freddy’s is an indie point-and-click survival horror video game developed by Scott Cawthon using the Multimedia Fusion engine. The game was released August...
Nintendo’s smash hit (too easy?) Super Smash Bros is back after a long break of almost two months. Yes, I am playfully referring to the recent release...