Let’s Break Down Metroid Prime 2: Echoes… The Metroid Prime Trilogy is rightly regarded as one the finest gaming series ever created. The original Metroid Prime was a revelation and...
The Best Metroid Prime Bosses Over the years the Metroid series has had some remarkable boss battles. The climactic fight with Mother Brain at the end of Super Metroid,...
The Strangest Enemies in the Metroid Games The Metroid series is a strange beast amongst Nintendo’s pantheon of treasured franchises. It’s a game that emphasizes the solitary exploration...
Inside the insular halls of games coverage, E3 is bigged up to be the most important week in the gaming calendar. The reverence and hype it...
I want virtual reality to fail for entirely selfish reasons. More and more over the last few years big companies have placed stock in virtual reality...
Who is the hardest boss in Dark Souls III? Warning: This article contains spoilers for Dark Souls III; anyone who has yet to complete the game may want to...
In the summer of 2013 Animal Crossing: New Leaf made up a large part of my life. It took the obscenely addictive template of the series...
Axiom Verge wears its influences on its sleeve. As a retro-spirited Metroidvania action platformer there is little does that hasn’t been done before. But the game achieves what...
So that NX controller, eh? Turns out the whole thing was faked by a crafty so-and-so messing about with photoshop and a 3D printer. This is...
Nintendo is at a crossroads, somewhat of an identity crisis. As a company they have always found great success with their IP and have managed to...