PAX West 2016 is now behind us, but many memories are still to be shared from the gargantuan gaming convention. While performing a tour of duty...
With the closure of Midway Games well into the past at this point, NetherRealm Studios has taken the reins of the Mortal Kombat franchise, and their renewed efforts...
Well, I may be late to the party, but after witnessing the excitement of Undertale for months now, I finally decided to give the game a...
In the continuously growing world of indie games, the survival genre accumulates titles at a remarkable rate. The top reason for this success derives from the...
At this point, everyone and their mother knows that the Nintendo’s NX truly exists, and the desire for more news on the system burns within the...
A very Happy Birthday to the Nintendo 3DS! March 27 marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of the Nintendo 3DS in North America. Within this...
With the release of Pokkén Tournament another Pokémon spin-off title has come into existence, and the franchise list has grown yet again. With this immense arsenal of...