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A Winner Is You

A Winner Is You Podcast Episode 41: Prey (2017)



Weeeeeeee’re baaaaaack! Much like the stifling British humidity, you’ll never get rid of AWIY, lads!

This episode we celebrate the underappreciated brilliance of Arkane Studios’ 2017 sleeper hit Prey.

We chat about the game’s swerving, mysterious story, the stunning mega dungeon of TALOS I, the various neuromod powers and abilities, bugs and nonsense we encountered, and much more.

This game really needs to be played to experience this podcast to its fullest, so go out and get playing, and then enjoy retreading those steps again with us.

Listen to the show here:
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Crotchety Englishman who spends hundreds of pounds on video game tattoos and Amiibo in equally wallet-crippling measure. Likes grammar a lot, but not as much as he likes heading out for a sesh of Bakamitai karaoke in Kamurocho. You can hear his dulcet tones on the A Winner Is You game club podcast right here on GoombaStomp!
