Despite its original monochrome form, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening contains one of the most colorful, vividly realized worlds and ultimately is one of the best experiences...
When it comes to dream-centric narratives, the main point of contention tends to be “was it real?” “Real” in this sense typically doubles for “did the...
Renamed Master Quest worldwide, Ura Zelda did not quite live up to its own legend, but it nonetheless offered something quite valuable for veterans of the...
Nintendo’s Super Mario is the iconic game character. Back in the 90s, he was more familiar to children than Mickey Mouse. Today, he’s the head of...
The Holidays are all about traditions. We here at Game Boys have a tradition of sharing our Game Boys’ Gamer Holiday Gift Guide with the world...
After a troubled history, is 'Darksiders III' worth the six year wait? Does Fury whip as good as her brothers' slice 'n' dice?
Very few video games understand pacing as well as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Even titles that share the Legend of Zelda moniker struggle to...
My first outings with videogames were memorable but far from profound. Most Argentine children of my generation grew up with the Family Game, a cheap Nintendo...
“Ah, but child… That land will not be Hyrule.” At its core, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker’s story is about moving on from, and...
No Legend of Zelda is complete without a game-defining gimmick of their own. A Link to the Past pioneered the dual worlds mechanic; Ocarina of Time...