Break out the confetti and grab a slice of cake; it’s time to party over at HBO. Helmed by the Mandalorian and Lyanna Mormont, HBO’s The...
Our first new release pod of the year is the bone-chillingly fantastic Dead Space Remake. We’re huge fans of the original game, and this remake is...
Welcome, one and all, to the inaugural Video Game Draft! We’re doing something a little different in 2023 with this bonus new episode type. We got...
Let’s close the 2022 book with an awards ceremony for games that almost exclusively weren’t released in 2022! It’s the AWIY way, folks. That’s right, our...
What Resident Evil lacks in modernity, it makes up for in the type of horror only video games can offer.
Nearly two and a half decades later, age hasn’t slowed Metal Gear Solid down one bit.
Hey, it’s not officially Autumn yet, so Summer of Resi rolls on into September with Shinji Mikami’s beloved sort-of-spin-off, Dino Crisis. We’ve moved on from Survival...
It’s time to beat the heat with some good ol’ survival horror in our Summer of Resi! We’re spending our summers hiding from the sun in...
The dawn of any new console generation brings with it a bevy of new features, and the PS5 is no different. Unfortunately some are ignored.
Sony's latest financial report has confirmed that users are playing their PS4 and PS5 consoles less than they were a year ago.