Riot Games, the renowned developer behind the popular games Valorant and League of Legends, has taken a significant step with its long-anticipated MMO project by deciding...
When it comes to pitting player against player, all bets are off.
Bungie has undoubtedly given video games some of their best FPS titles over the years, and have often found themselves at the forefront of not only...
It is a testament to the excellence of games that their experiences can often keep us entrenched for hours in our real lives. Many of us...
In Japan, the Monster Hunter series is something of a legend. Every gamer worth their salt in Japan knows about Monster Hunter, as each new iteration in...
It’s long been thought that the MMO genre has been dying. People have constantly been citing World of Warcraft’s (WoW) falling subscriber numbers as proof of...
Gaijin Entertainment has stayed a major player in the indie scene with their devotion to the MMO genre with various games such as Star Conflict and...