Bethesda Softworks is working on The Elder Scrolls 6, marking the next big chapter in the beloved video game series. With excitement building, the team behind...
In the final stages of developing Starfield, the team faced a significant challenge. Will Shen, the lead quest designer, highlighted that the game was missing a...
Xbox Developer Direct recapped and discussed!
Is this time-looping shooter all it's cracked up to be?
From customisation to combat, here are all the main questions you might have about Starfield!
Ghostwire: Tokyo is spooky, beautiful, and genuinely fun to play, bringing a taste of Japanese folklore to a wide audience.
As someone who recently lost a canine companion myself, this story made me a little emotional and so I really wanted to write about not just...
Best Trailers from E3 2021 There were a fair few announcements and reveals at this year’s online E3 event, including some fantastic trailers. Let’s take a...
I recently discussed how Stardew Valley has become a board game and now yet another big name video game franchise is getting a new board game...
The cancellation of E3 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic struck a blow for the gaming community as it was the first time the event has...