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NXpress Nintendo Podcast

NXpress Nintendo Podcast 128: ‘Mulaka’ Interview and Debating the ‘Super Smash’ Switch Roster



Mulaka has already found its way to being one of our favorite titles on the Switch, and this week Rick, Patrick, and Nintendo Editor James Baker sit down with Adolfo Aguirre of Lienzo to talk about the game’s inspiration, development, and what’s to come for this adventure based on the Tarahumara people of Northern Mexico. Just how much of the story, locations, and minor details are based on real-world lore? What are the difficulties presented to a small development team in a region not normally known for producing video games? And what do modern Tarahumara think of their portrayal? It’s an interview full of rich history and the fulfillment of video game dreams, a must for those hoping to pursue their own creative ambitions.

Before all that, however, the guys talk a bit more about the surprising Smash Bros. reveal for the Switch. They analyze a fuzzy trailer still to death, then pick some characters they’d like to finally see battle it out with Nintendo’s superstars. For all this and more, have a listen!

*Learn more about the origins of Mulaka from Behind Mulaka

You can listen to our show on StitcheriTunesPodbean, or simply click the play button below.


Main Event: Super Smash Bros. Analysis
Mulaka Soundtrack
Bonus Content: Interview with Adolfo Aguirre of Lienzo
Mulaka Soundtrack

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The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.
