Games That Changed Our Lives: Morrowind Morrowind is a brown, boring game with terrible combat and horribly dated graphics. In comparison to its own follow-up games, Oblivion...
It’s important to remember your roots, without them you lose sight of what made you, you. This seems to sometimes be an issue with the games...
100 years ago the guns of the Western Front fell silent, marking the end of the first World War. For over four years, countries from every...
'RimWorld' is not just a great game for fans of the management genre, but a truly amazing game that anyone interested in seeing what happens when...
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter, Owlcat games and RPG legend Chris Avellone have attempted to bring Pathfinder to the digital realm. Is this a throne worth sitting on, or...
Despite taking place not that long ago, there’s still a lot we don’t know about The Cold War, shadows mixed into enigmas shrouded by a cloud...
Like many simulator titles, Ultimate Fishing Sim foregoes any sort of setup or plot.
Anyone and everyone is familiar with System Shock 2, the massively influential sci-fi horror title that’s the direct predecessor to Dead Space, Bioshock, and Alien: Isolation among others. But people...
One year ago Larian released Divinity: Original Sin 2, the sequel to their 2014 hit title once again kick-started by fans of the genre. To say...
Look up any list of the greatest strategy games on PC and without a doubt, the name Jagged Alliance will show up somewhere. Whether it be the...