If you’re both an avid gamer and an avid reader then this news is likely to be right up your street. Activision-Blizzard are releasing a line...
Here’s a fact you may not know but I- dear reader- am actually from an Irish heritage. In fact, my background is almost entirely Irish but...
With BlizzCon Online well underway and the game developing giants behind World of Warcraft celebrating their 30th anniversary, it isn’t surprising that a whole host of...
One of the top tier video game companies Blizzard are soon going to be celebrating their thirty year anniversary- which is pretty amazing when you think...
Nine Video Games We Wish Were Live-Action Movies 8- Amnesia What’s scarier than waking up and not knowing where you are? How about not knowing where you...
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with John Staats, first-level designer for the launch version of World of Warcraft.
It’s the spookiest time of the year and that means the return of autumnal seasonal events. What’s better than dressing your avatar up in eerie gear? ...
With the release of World of Warcraft’s latest expansion: Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard have been ramping up the game’s story for a new era of conflict between...
In the build-up for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, releasing on August 14th, Blizzard has been building a story strung across cinematics, books, comics, and...
Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth launches on August 14th, raising the level cap to 120 and launching the Horde and Alliance into a new conflict that will...