Often I’ll see people on internet message boards scoff at the idea of the so called “console wars”, calling the entire concept nothing more than a...
The Game Boys are back. This week, a lot’s happened in the gaming world. No longer distracted by PAX, the Game Boys can finally cover the...
As prevalent as elements of Norse mythology are in pop culture, few games take direct inspiration from the tales of old quite like Jotun. There are...
For the not-so-mini finale of the PAX Game Boys Pocket episodes, Tim and Ryan bring on Alex Paterno, the Game Boy Pocket himself! Here’s what the...
Three-quarters the way through PAX West, and the Game Boys had one of their best days yet! Here’s what day three held! In this episode: The Rabbit...
Two days down, and two left to go for PAX West! Here’s what the Game Boys did at PAX today! In this episode: Monsters & Monocles, Moon Hunters, Viking Squad, and...
The Game Boys are covering PAX West Prime! Here’s what they have to say after their first day! In this episode: Blade Ballet, Kill Strain, Death Squared, and Destiny: Rise...
In this episode of Game Boys things get a bit mechy. Continuing to fine tune the machine that is the Game Boys Podcast, Tim and Ryan...
This week the Game Boys headed back to the PlayStation arcade to play some of the latest and greatest indie titles. Adding another title to the...
As of August 2nd, the original Xbox One model is no longer the only one. Joining its ranks is the Xbox One S, a new model...