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NXpress Nintendo Podcast 324: The Octopath Traveler II Review Extravaganza!

Get ready for an octopathcast.



Octopath Traveler II

This week on the NXpress Nintendo PodcastCameron DaxonMarc Kaliroff, and Campbell Gill set out on an exhaustive tri-path podcast to discuss Octopath Traveler II! Before embarking on that journey, though, Marc kicks things off with a much less substantial talking point: Splatoon 3’s underwhelming first wave of DLC! Despite its promise of nostalgia for longtime fans, the Inkopolis DLC provides very little substance and, in turn, not much for Marc to talk about. Here’s hoping the next DLC wave can pick up the pace. 

Moving onto the main event, Campbell dives into an in-depth review of Square Enix’s latest HD-2D RPG, Octopath Traveler II! This sequel does the impossible: it recaptures everything that made the 2018 original title great, while making meaningful improvements on the first game’s issues. With eight unique travelers, each with their own unique stories, Octopath Traveler II tells a decentralized RPG story while still maintaining just enough character interaction. That’s not to mention the stunning soundtrack, beautiful art, and moving stories–there’s so much to love that the gang spends an hour talking about the game while barely even touching on the combat! Don’t miss out on what’s sure to be one of the Switch’s best titles of 2023.

Feeling confident after all the love in the Octopath segment? Marc’s here to throw some horror into the mix with a review of Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Perhaps this title hasn’t aged as gracefully as other horror classics, but for some of us on the show, it might just be too spoopy after all. All this and more in this RPG-sized episode!

Don’t forget: If you want to suggest a discussion topic, share your thoughts on a recent episode, or simply chat with the NXpress crew, feel free to email us at videogameseditor@goombastomp.com!

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LFXIV – NXpress Intro
0:39 – Talking Point: Splatoon 3 DLC Wave 1 Review
“Cait Battle” –
 Octopath Traveler II
12:00 – Main Event: Octopath Traveler II Review
“Main Theme” –Octopath Traveler II
109:00 – Talking Point: Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Review
“Training” – Luigi’s Mansion

The NXpress is a weekly podcast hosted at NXpresspodcast.com in which we discuss all things Nintendo. We stay clear from in-depth game strategies and keep things light. There’s plenty of nostalgia and feedback that will resonate with vintage game collectors; meanwhile modern games are sprinkled in and each week our show revolves around a central theme.

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