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Game Boys

Game Boys, Ep. 90: Dragon Ball Sea



One of the Game Boys’ most highly anticipated titles of 2018 is already out and the Game Boys are super Saiyan stoked to talk about it!  Someone must have summoned Shenron ’cause your wish has been granted and Dragon Ball FighterZ, the fighter darling of E3, is the Dragon Ball Z game many have always wanted and the most true to anime game to ever be crafted, graphically speaking.  But fighters are far from Tim and Ryan’s favorite genre, so how does FighterZ fair?  But before the Game Boys went Super Saiyan, they went super sailing with the Sea of Thieves closed beta.  How has the game evolved since E3 2016 and 2017?  Are the Game Boys all aboard on this co-op treasure?  Yargh, embark on this voyage with us!

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Tim is not the droids you are looking for. He resides quietly in the Emerald City where he can often be found writing, reading, watching movies, or playing video games. He is the Xbox editor for Goomba Stomp and the site's official Pokémon Master.
